Saturday, October 11, 2008

365 days. 7 days a week. For 52 weeks

While down town last night for our weekend anniversary celebration we were part of a bet. When I went to the ladies room some guys from the table next to us wanted to know how long we have been dating? They were guessing that it was our first date because we were engaged in tell tales of our day and dreaming big about our future and remembering how much we love and miss our family and friends at home. (They didn’t say that but that’s what we were doing) They said we didn’t seem to care what was going on around us. When Tim told them we have known each other 3 years and that this weekend was our one-year anniversary they said they lost the bet big time.

Now this is our 7th month of living in Florida and it hasn't always been fun... lots of tears and lonely nights but to see my husband excelling in something that he loves is priceless. I would do this a hundred times over. This experience has taught us more than just about boats, we have learned how to become a family. I don't know who ever thought of the notion that as soon as you say " I Do" you become a family... Legally true but trust me it dose not happen over night. When your home is 600 Sq. Ft. you can't hide from anything literally I threw a fishing magazine away and Tim found it Opps! I am not trying to toot my own horn and say that we have a perfect relationship we are far from perfect we're just like the cake it doesn't look the way you thought it would a year later but its still just a sweet. This has been an amazing year, Tim thank you for always being my rock for picking me up when I can't stand and loving me no matter what. I know that with you standing beside me whatever waves hit us our toes won't drag in the sand.
I love you. You Wife

Thanks mom and dad for sending our cake!


Anonymous said...

Tim & Andrea. Happy 1st Anniversary! Hey, the cake may not look the same as a year ago, but look whats happened to the two of you in one year, amazing. Andrea, your story about the fishing magazine reminded me of my friend Carol's story. She threw away all of her David's racing trophys. Ah, newly weds! blessings

Anonymous said...

Good analogy with the cake Andrea. . . . Sorry that it arrived in such poor shape. . . .who knew that you had to let the delivery boy know that a frozen (well, when it started out on its adventure from grandville) needed to be marked 'FRAGILE' . . .
We love you guys. Happy 1st Anniversary!

Anonymous said...

Happy Annversary Tim & Andrea !! You did a good job describing your 1st year with ups & downs but the over veiw is great ! Keep up the good work . Sorry about the cake :( Love Dad TB .