Tuesday, September 30, 2008

ummm well.......

Well this is what our Saturday night looked like... I know its dark but you get the idea

What are they doing you ask well at about 11:30 and they saw an armadillo in the front yard and decided we need to catch it. Yes 3 full grown men running wild around the like a group of 12 year olds. Need, I feel needed is an over rates phrase...well they caught it

These are our friends from Charleston S.C Ian in the middle Ben on the Right. Tim said the that armadillo could smell his fear and kept running over his feet he knew that tim wasn't actually going to pick it up. Good thing thought it pooped and peed all over ian it did not smell good!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Just another day in Florida...

The only things they caught all day

My first alligator in real life

As we pull over tims says "take a picture of me with the alligator "
He jumps out and we(me and Ryan the other boy we went with) wait till he sneak attacks it from behind. He looks like the happiest boy on earth
*This is a disclaimer to all the mothers watching this he couldn't help himself :)

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Way to go Gary!!

Today I went to Gary's Triathlon at the wilderness lodge in Orlando Fl. The race started at 7:00, why are athletes always morning people?

Taylor, Riley,and Olivia

Gary coming out of the water after almost a 1 mile swim.

Rows and Rows of bikes

Gary finishing the race!!!
Waiting to eat at Wilderness lodge

It was so good to see all of you!! Gary you did awesome, girls you were such good troopers in the heat. Thank you for hanging out with me for the day and for lunch see you soon!! Love you Andrea

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Happy Birthday Ross!


I made my first shirt! I was not born to be a designer it took me all day reading over and over trying to understand how to attach the top neck part and the main body part... I ended up making it up opps it still worked !
Thanks mom

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Well besides the fact that it rained...and I mean rained all weekend it was still GOOD to be HOME!! while I had a fully packed weekend Tim's plans to go fishing were canceled because of the rain we still had a blast. This picture below is from in the garage No we don't live here anymore but it was a little scary how familiar this view is. Thank you to everyone that let us wonder in at all hours of the night (mom and dad) and have a bed for us to sleep in, and for making time to see us we appreciate every one of you and couldn't be doing this with out you.

Hallie beautiful as ever
Tim went skiing it was a bit cold but if he didn't it would have been the first summer since he was 6 that he hasn't skied.
My best friend kate spent the night at my parents with my on Friday night and put up with me all day Saturday as we tooled around town in the turtle it was just like old times!!it was great to spend time together some times talking on the web cam just isn't enough.
The boys at Jeff & Joes... Thanks Jeff sorry we missed you we will plan better next time

After a little extra soap was added to the hot tub Oops ..... at least it smelled better

Thank you Mom for the Fabric for my fabulous new pillows!!

Thank you to Grandpa Honderd and Uncle Tom for picking us up and Grandpa Troost and mom and Dad TB for bringing us back!!! I think I was the only girl that was sad about going to Florida .We will be seeing you soon Love you, Speyer's

Saturday, September 6, 2008

These are more videos from my sky diving adventure!! Enjoy

Friday, September 5, 2008

All kinds of new from Orlando FL!

I got business card, Real business cards I am tickled pink !! Know I just need to figure out what to do with 500 cards :)

I joined the adventure club at work! Now I am not as brave as I look believe it or not its true. we are trying to attract a different crowd to Orlando for something other than Disney at work so my general manager and the head of the I.T. department asked me if I wanted to go sky diving....It is a giant bowl of plexy glass and a giant fan. Our instructor said he was very similar to real sky diving. I was a terrified while we were getting geared up I could have cried at any moment but I had to stay hang with the boys :)

I have more Video I will try and load it later Its not working BOO
P.S. don't mind the tech-no it was the video they gave us and I recorded it while it was playing on the computer so some times its not super clear but Tim wasn't home and I couldn't figure it out how else to transfer it.

Well I loved it and my boss is trying to hook us up to go sky diving for real we will see how that turns out :) Nothing like drooling with your boss but I would try and wipe my mouth and then I would dip down or loose balance. The IT guy at work today said I had a perma-grin but I couldn't help it my face was plastered back and then when I tried to but my lips together my teeth and gums were so dry they wouldn't move! Just another day in Orlando FL!

See everyone soon!! We are counting the days and watching the weather!! Love you
Happy Birthday Mom!!
Love you

Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day

Today was Tim's first days off with out work or school so we slept in and then went down town to lake Eola. It is where we watch the fire works for the 4th. We sat and had a beer at an outside bistro and then went for a swan ride around the lake.

Clearly this is not us but it is what we paddled around the lake with. It was great fun until I almost died of heat stroke, Not really but I convinced Tim otherwise good thing it was only a 30 min. trip. After we got home we went to the pool for a cool down swim and then I did laundry and Tim put new brakes on the truck. We are all set for the week ahead and VERY MUCH looking forward to the 10 days left until we come home!