Sunday, October 17, 2010

Cedar Point Weekend

Susan and Joe, the funny thing is joe is looking at a palm tree on the wall so he doesn't get sick too funny

Tim and Brandon on a spinny ride ( No thanks) I took pictures
Susan not excited about millennium force and the Huge hill

The only picture of my all day which is good before the winds got to my hair :)

Can you say mini Tim!!!

This weekend we went to Cedar point with friends for our anniversary and Sophia got to spend the weekend with Grandma and Grandpa TerBeek!! They wore her out she got home and slept for two hours!! Thank you Grandma and Grandpa!!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Speyer Updates

Sunday night at the pavilion

Snuggling with Grandpa

Sophie's favorite game ( fetch) she has us very well trained

We spent the night in Ditlos cabin!!

Ross, Ashley and Isa even came so all 6 of us stayed it was so much fun

Visiting Grandpa at the fire barn

At art prize with Becky, Brent and Halle

At Robinetts with mom and aunt kate enjoying pumpkin spice doughnuts!!