Thursday, July 29, 2010

Camping in Holland

yes we were those people who brought a pool to the beach

OK, this picture is hard to tell whats going on but that's Sophie's butt and its totally side ways. It was storming and tim thought we should snuggle she wanted to play and I ended up getting the feet end it was so ridiculous I had to take a picture

My once a year picture of these three

Gram and sophie enjoying the beach

She loves sand dry is for playing and the wet sand is for eating

Her and her new boyfriend jake in the kid zone chilling

Halle's vintage beach cruiser bike NO more training wheels!!

All dressed up

they love each other so cute!!

Girls day at kim & garys pool so fun

my BIG girl had a double ear infection this week she was miserable we are turning the corner but it was an awful couple of days for both of us

the crib at Marcia's i think this is why bumbers are illegal in Canada she was using it has a blanket what a nut...Don't worry mom I moved it


diane said...

Andrea. The pictures are very expressive of the week at the beach, sometimes hot, sometimes just plain fun. How Sophia is growing! love it!

stacey said...

Oh my gosh I love these. I still can't get over how much she looks like Tim. Sorry dear! Call me! I can't wait to see you and Soph!