Monday, March 16, 2009

Our Monday road trip!

This is a picture from my seat out side on the deck where I am posting!! It was not Florida weather but it was an absolutely wonderful day I only wish I could record the sound of the creek and the birds chirping this moment right here is why I needed to come home, people are walking dogs and catching up with neighbors it feels like home! I love it

Today Tim and I went up north to Lake Charlevoix because Tim had an interview with ....( a bunny literally JUST ran across the deck, got to the edge looked at me and kept going! I can't even take it sorry side note) OK Tim had an interview with a marina. He really like it and was offered the position if he wanted it. We loved the town but for this year we need one good family and friends every where year never say never.

p.s(He was offered a position at Tower Marine in Douglas that he is leaning to big time)

Afterwords we walked down the docks and p.s they still have snow and the lake is still covered with ice. I'm surprised time didn't make me bring a pole.

I can't believe how clear the water is even at 20 ft. deep!

On our way home of coarse we had to get jerky from Traver city its the best!! Thanks mom for the address and gram for the directions. Love you Andrea Joy


Anonymous said...

alright, now how come I live here and have never heard of this famous jerky? Do tell please!!!

Anonymous said...

I love the new springy feel, I was looking for an 'update' and this is very pretty.
love mom

Anonymous said...

Andrea, Nice background change! I really like it! gram