I know understand why my mother always held our hands when we were more than 2 feet off the ground I refused to take Sophie on this with out a 5 point harness or tim!!
Sophie feels she is very capable of doing EVERYTHING by herself. She made a huge mess on her and me and it still ended in tears
Ok Dolly wood was actually really legit I had no idea what it was going to be like but I was very impressed. It was way more enjoyable than Disney, granted I'm not 5and obsessed with princesses I love rides. We rode some really awesome rides and the lines were 10 min. if that Awesome!!!
The next day we took sophie to the doctor shes been under the weather all week she had an upper respitory infection, broncitus and a really red ear.
This picture is her trying to tell us that loud and clear ( mommy im sick ahhhh )
Oh Andrea, you can sure tell by litle Sophia's eyes that she didn't feel good.. what a little trooper! Glad you are all better!
wow! love all the pictures! Thanks so much for posting them and Glad you are all feeling better.
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