Well after being sort of homeless for 2 weeks we are in to our house and officially out of our apartment. We have had a super busy holiday with lots of out favorite guests! We ended up at our 550 Sq ft apartment for 4 nights with 9 people!! Not just 9 people but I swear 25 bags. Next time we are giving guests a limit on bag like on the airplane I swear they all thought they were coming for a month. Some how it worked out amazingly and we all had a blast. It would have been less eventful if we weren't all in one room a little claustrophobic at times but always great fun

This is a picture of all 9... in the center of it all Matt, Ryan and Angie, Joe and Susan, and Chad and Gwen

Relaxing in the Sun!

Ryan and Angie Kayaking

HAPPY NEW YEAR! ( a little late but still)

This is how i felt at times and after Chad decided to toast the champagne on my head which he claims that he said with all do respect so hes entitled to do what ever he pleases I think NOT

Joe and Susan ..... We found a hat box it was just fitting

the remaining crew at the beach after Matt left it was sunny but still really cold for the beach

The Girls

This was taken on january 4th. 1 day after the remaining guests had left. Thanks to Joe, Susan and Gwen who helped move alot of our things while I was at work and Tim at school They were a huge help. We cleaned everything and turned in our keys after Tim thought we needed to mark the moment by taking a picture. ( totally Tim's idea i swear) We are in a quite neighbor hood on the completely other side of town its such a blessing we love having the space and the sense of security back.
~ Thank you everyone that came down I was dreading the Holidays seeing that nothing was the same and everyone knows how well i adjust to change but it was great to see everyone we had a blast. We were getting ready for bed one night and tim said he could taste it now we were finally on the home stretch. Just being with our amazing family and friends made us realize what a great circle of people that we have around us and made us all the more excited to come home. Only 7 weeks left!! See you soon
Okay , your group picture at the beach is great and did you have to run to get in the shot? Thanks for sharing love Dad
Ah Andrea, New Photos! Great to see the sunshine, I think that is what it is.. don't know anymore living here in Siberia. gram
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