Halle and I building our ginger bread house my mom sent down with the Speyer's for a Christmas it kept us busy for a while thanks mom!!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Christmas Break with the Speyer Family
Halle and I building our ginger bread house my mom sent down with the Speyer's for a Christmas it kept us busy for a while thanks mom!!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Whhhooooa baby!
Sorry its taken me so long to post something new its been a crazy couple of weeks and will stay crazy till after Christmas! Well first off we have moved... we are staying in a home that my company manages its absolutely wonderful!! We are completely on the other side of town it almost feels a little like the country. It a 4 bed 2 bath house with a pool! Some times we have to pinch our selves to make sure that this is true we feel as though we are on vacation. Its nice to feel safe again. We had a few guests our friends Brandon and Mindy were here for a weekend and today I picked up Matt times little brother (although hes no very little) today so him and tim are talking what else... boats. The rest of his family is coming in Sunday. I promise to update with pictures soon we get internet at the house on and off when we can steel if from next door :) love you all
Monday, December 1, 2008
Much needed weekend away!!
Tim and I went to the everglades this weekend it was a much needed weekend away.
I am officially taking a Kayak off my Christmas list!! I did well all day but toward the end the trees were not moving out of my way and it was very narrow. It was all good and well until I ran over an alligator I didn't care for that much I felt it was the same as if I were in the a tube or if i dangled my feet over the edge we promptly headed back for home
Yes thats really how narrow it was now just add corners.... we had to split our paddles in half and use it as a canoe paddle.
After found out that there was no where to buy firewood we decided that we needed to go for a walk. While adventuring in the dark we started gathering sticks and palm tree branches and made our selves a fire at night!
Our brand new tent never used from our wedding!! It was perfect it rained the last day and then tent was great!! We can't wait to use it again
It was an amazingly clear night and we thought that the stars just seemed brighter because it had been so long we forgot what they looked like but after much star gazing we both new we had never seen something so amazing it left us both speechless ( haha I know right) it was that good!
We had a rough start to our holiday weekend but still made to best of our camping adventure. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers we appreciate your support and love were just taking it a day at a time.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Our Latest Visitors....
Thank you Kate and Craig for visiting we had a ton of fun I am finally recuperated!!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008

What does that mean you ask, well it means he had to have exceptional attendance and grades to even be considered to take on double the school in half the time. That also means we could be home as early as March 8!!!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Happy Halloween
Monday, October 20, 2008
Happy Birthday Tim..... well kinda
This is what I came home to today. Tim got an amazing deal on a kayak at gander mountain he even had just enough time before work to take it for a spin on the lake. He called me once he was on the road and told me not to be alarmed but it was bigger than he thought or maybe our apartment is getting smaller. I vote both!! I told Tim he has to watch TV in it every night Gotta Love it
Saturday, October 11, 2008
365 days. 7 days a week. For 52 weeks
While down town last night for our weekend anniversary celebration we were part of a bet. When I went to the ladies room some guys from the table next to us wanted to know how long we have been dating? They were guessing that it was our first date because we were engaged in tell tales of our day and dreaming big about our future and remembering how much we love and miss our family and friends at home. (They didn’t say that but that’s what we were doing) They said we didn’t seem to care what was going on around us. When Tim told them we have known each other 3 years and that this weekend was our one-year anniversary they said they lost the bet big time.
Now this is our 7th month of living in Florida and it hasn't always been fun... lots of tears and lonely nights but to see my husband excelling in something that he loves is priceless. I would do this a hundred times over. This experience has taught us more than just about boats, we have learned how to become a family. I don't know who ever thought of the notion that as soon as you say " I Do" you become a family... Legally true but trust me it dose not happen over night. When your home is 600 Sq. Ft. you can't hide from anything literally I threw a fishing magazine away and Tim found it Opps! I am not trying to toot my own horn and say that we have a perfect relationship we are far from perfect we're just like the cake it doesn't look the way you thought it would a year later but its still just a sweet. This has been an amazing year, Tim thank you for always being my rock for picking me up when I can't stand and loving me no matter what. I know that with you standing beside me whatever waves hit us our toes won't drag in the sand.
I love you. You Wife
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
ummm well.......
What are they doing you ask well at about 11:30 and they saw an armadillo in the front yard and decided we need to catch it. Yes 3 full grown men running wild around the like a group of 12 year olds. Need, I feel needed is an over rates phrase...well they caught it
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Just another day in Florida...
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Way to go Gary!!
It was so good to see all of you!! Gary you did awesome, girls you were such good troopers in the heat. Thank you for hanging out with me for the day and for lunch see you soon!! Love you Andrea